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  • Writer's pictureLina

Doing meditation, let’s give a break to our mind.

Updated: Sep 17, 2019

Let’s give a break to our mind, let’s give a break to our thoughts.Our brain needs to rest...

A mental escape A nap, A little piece of paradise.

Let's close our eyes for a moment and let’s accept losing control. Our thoughts will come and go... And then dissipate. Just like the clouds that pass in the sky. Clouds never stay long in one place. A gust of wind sweeps away everything!

Let's relax our muscles. Let’s breathe in a big gasp of air. And let’s relax our body, gently. All what clings to us, we will let it go...

Let's allow ourselves to have a moment where we are going to feel good. This is our moment. Let’s enjoy it!

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